Insecurity is a pillar engraved in the minds of teenagers; whether it is rooted in past experiences or the expectations of society, almost every fellow teenager I have encountered can attest to this. As teenagers, we all think differently. We have different opinions, views, and beliefs. However, we can all agree that insecurities hurt performance and confidence. In Triumph Over Trials, I shed light upon the different scenarios that I faced with deteriorating confidence, emotional instability, and other scenarios in general that many teenagers encounter. Bringing forth resilience, advice, and fortitude, this novel serves as a lifeline for my fellow teens and young adults who may be facing similar setbacks with confidence and insecurity. Difficult topics such as body dysmorphia are also mentioned with an emphasis on the social standards placed on women in society and sometimes men as well. The path to nurturing forgiveness and cultivating motivation after returning from a setback is outlined for every reader. Whether or not the hand of insecurity has been dealt to you, Triumphs Over Trials will offer you the perspective you need to thrive in high school and beyond.